

Obama on 9/11: 'No words can ease the ache of your hearts'
President Obama spoke at the Pentagon on Friday to those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001, telling them no words would heal their pain yet calling for a renewed resolve against the ones who attacked the country eight years ago....  ( CNN.com )

扁辦:一定上訴     訴訟策略將與扁商量
扁案一審宣判,扁珍分別被判處無期徒刑;前辦公室主任馬永成、林德訓也被判處重刑。扁辦表示,這是違憲、違法無效、而且趕盡殺絕、抄家滅族的判決。..( 奇摩新聞 )

Hong Kong's market regulator yesterday secured its highest profile conviction for insider trading, with the prosecution of a former Morgan Stanley investment banker who helped win coveted business from China's largest state-owned investment group...( FTChinese.com )

毒奶案周年家長今聚會 官方罕見批准
今日是三鹿奶粉被揭發非法添加三聚氰胺一周年,北京公安罕見批准患兒家長舉行小規模的紀念聚會。北京「結石寶寶之家」負責人趙連海稱,他們一年來要求的獨立科研報告、終身免費治療等訴求仍未能落實,但會理性、平和地紀念事件..(新浪網 )
