
His Name Is Charles Saatchi

昨天講開 Charles Saatchi,今天發現這位唔多鍾意曝光的廣告奇才兼藝術品收藏家近日頻頻見報,談他今個月面世的新書 My Name Is Charles Saatchi And I Am An Artoholic,昨天剛在薩奇藝廊 (Saatchi Gallery) 舉行新書發布會 (不過他玩失蹤,留低美女廚神老婆 Nigella Lawson 主持大局)。書扉小題為 Everything You Need To Know About Art, Ads, Life, God And Other Mysteries -  And Weren’t Afraid To Ask。他列出嚟嗰啲我全部都想問,尤其想知我心裡一直當他是祖師爺爺的 Mr Saatchi 點答喎,六英鎊有找,抵!

上月底《衛報》為 Charles Saatchi 做了一個訪問,問和答都是高手,且看其中一條:

Q: I know very little about contemporary art but have £1,000 to invest. Any advice?

A: Premium bonds. Art is no investment unless you get very, very lucky, and can beat the professionals at their game. Just buy something you really like that will give you a thousand pounds' worth of pleasure over the years. And take your time looking for something really special, because looking is half the fun.

百分之二百同意。於我,looking is half (+ half) the fun。
