

阿 Sam 唔係唔好,淨係講唱功同味道都好過家下 “懶” sentimental 的這個禁毒歌女聲版本,之但係,阿 Sam 最令年輕人瘋狂的時代,是他自己的大學時代,亦即上世紀70年代,揀呢首 《天才白痴夢》做禁毒宣傳歌,究竟有咩 rationale? 揀得呢首歌,又將歌詞改到九彩,又係乜嘢 rationale? 除咗 “天造之材” 四個字之外,首禁毒宣傳歌詞冇隻字忠於原著, 你話搞咩? 點解唔搵人作過首新歌啫?

關於這方面,我提議各位考慮一下 My Little Airport,簡直會未唱先哄動,網上肯定熱播。

P.S. 我呢,因為天濛光就畀收音機傳來的那首唱到死吓死吓的禁毒歌吵醒,今晚特別翻出許冠傑原裝正版,以正視聽。

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

share your same feeling. I've watched another one with the same melody. That one is targeted at teachers. same 無厘頭.

Cynthia Lau 說...

In fact the campaign's got a dozen of different versions using the same theme song. I would say they are all quite badly delivered and annoying. Don't know if they have evaluated the effectiveness of the campaign, in an honest manner, I mean.

Thx for your sharing:)