但我發現,這個 app 最煞食的地方不是方便,而是像國內有些館子的餐牌一樣,充滿着你估佢唔到的娛樂性。其他語言我不懂,就只看英文轉中文。
如果想叫人埋單 (Check please),你得到的是 -- 入住日期。
如果想和型男搭訕,本想說 “我是不是在 GQ 雜誌見過你?” (Didn’t I see you in GQ?),祝君好運,你會得到 -- “ 我沒有看到GQ蛋白嗎?”
如果想叫侍應替你添滿杯裡的飲料 (Drink refill ) ,我唔知佢會幫你加啲咩 ,因為屏幕會顯示 -- 飲料筆芯。
又如果好客的你想請新朋友去你的住處開 party (Party at my house),你啲新朋友不知會否覺得有眼不識泰山,因為他們以為你說: “ 黨在我家裡!”
這個笑死人冇命賠的 killer app,叫 PeopleFlasher。
2 則留言:
Google translator gives you identical results for the last two but is better making a pass at your 型男 with "I have not seen you in GQ magazine". Reminds me of the old days when there were handy translators and one of them boasted that it was better than the others because it did not translate "give me a break" as 給我一個裂縫
: D