9月號 Fast Company 刊載Bogusky專訪,非常有《60分鐘時事雜誌》尋根究底抽出真相的架勢。
報道前半部描繪了一個完美的 Bogusky,他的出身、事業、“ 戰績 ”,以及突然放棄如日中天的事業箇中底蘊。據 Bogusky說,那是因為新種中年危機。
“...What I fear is, I fear” -- his eyes start to pink around the rims, his voice cracks -- “ I fear a moment when my children are older, and they look at me and say, ‘What did you do? The world is like a spiraling cesspool. You were an adult, you needed to do something, I was just a kid. What did you do?’ I want to be able to say that you tried, in all sincerity. I think it’s a new kind of midlife crisis.”看到這裡,我覺得有啲唔妥。B 先生好似用力大猛,演技有過火之嫌。
原來本文記者和我感覺一樣。當離開 FearLess Cottage,她馬上找 Bogusky 的舊同事印證其人其事。
文章後半部關於 Bogusky 的描述其實都在意料之中。於廣告界叱咤風雲之時,他在同袍眼中只是 “master manipulator”、 “master of disguise”、 “dictator”、自私鬼、只顧自己不理他人死活...
看完整篇報道,結案陳詞是,此君是自戀狂,徹底崇拜自己能力,認為自己既然賣橋賣到Burger King上市,一樣有辦法叫美國國民放棄大車改揸電動車。他只是想證明自己無論在任何範疇都行,而非真心想為社會帶來改變。
Alex Bogusky Tells All: He Left the World's Hottest Agency to Find His Soul