The Q9 window disappears and cannot be retrieved again. Not just when using in any applications such as pages, text editor, etc, but simply cannot be found even I click into the language bar and choose Q9.
What happens is I can see the icon on the language bar, but w/o the appearance of the Q9 window, which should come out at the same time in normal cases.
Hi my friend, Your link shows perfectly in the notification mail. Thank you so very much. Will follow the steps you advised when I go back home tonite. . Hope it works. Thx for helping out.
23 則留言:
你用緊邊個OS, 同邊個version既九方呢?同最近你有無裝過咩軟件呀?
聽落似係九方crash左, 但原因可能有好多..., 解決辦法都有好多~ :)
或者可以試下用第二個九方version, 例如免安裝版丫.
Re my problem and some more info below.
OS : Mac OS X 10.5.8 ( as copied and pasted from my computer)
Recent software installation: no (as far as I know it)
Q 1: what is 免安裝版? Am using downloaded version and is it 免安裝版?
Q2: any advice as to what should I install in regard to the alternative Q9 version?
Thx for you advice in advance,
From a very anxious computer idiot :(
Oh, haven't thought of you are using a Mac. Anyways, so is the icon of 九方 still showing on the language bar when the little 九方 windows disappear?
yes exactly. the icon is still on the language bar and the window disappears.
Sounds to me that the windows has been minimized. Could you right click on the language bar and check whether the "縮小視窗" has been selected?
Just checked it out. But nope...
so the window just plainly disappears without a sound reason?
multiple choise:
what version is you 九方?
九方 ML2 / 九方 MUE / 九方 MXL / 九方 MXi
another question, is the window only disappear when you are typing in a browser or in all applications like a text editor?
The Q9 window disappears and cannot be retrieved again. Not just when using in any applications such as pages, text editor, etc, but simply cannot be found even I click into the language bar and choose Q9.
What happens is I can see the icon on the language bar, but w/o the appearance of the Q9 window, which should come out at the same time in normal cases.
剛離家,今晚用你教的方法試試看,希望行。否則要向你再求教。Many thx!
found it impossible to post link on comments... = ="
anyways, wish you get the 2 methods......
Hi my friend,
Your link shows perfectly in the notification mail. Thank you so very much. Will follow the steps you advised when I go back home tonite. . Hope it works. Thx for helping out.
From the now less worried computer idiot:)
great! so I can stop re-posting it. XDDDD
I must have throw a number of emails with very similar contents to your mailbox. :P
Not really. Nice to see mails offering help when you need some, and hard. Thx so much:D
Dear anonymous computer friend,
I have just followed your advice step by step just now but unfortunately the Q9 window is still missing :(
Tough luck for me.
am...... very strange...
let's try Q9 MXi
hope it works...
根據你的提議下載了 Q9 MXi, 終於見番九方視窗了:D
用九方MXi 打這個訊息的電腦白癡上
wait a minute...
The problem doesn't seems to come from Q9 if my previous 2 method can't help...
let me think on it......
@@" 竟然 solve 左...
應該係 ML2 同 mac 有野 crash 左, 而我認為最合理既解釋應該係 ML2 既 .plist (preference list) 出事,但最奇怪就係 remove 左 plist 都唔得... 當然我唔排除我地無 remove 晒佢個 plist
而 MXi work 到應該係因為佢會 generate 過個新既 plist.
汗... 我咁講你明唔明?
但有個隱憂就係我唔清楚 MXi 係咪有試用期限... 因為我其實無用過九方。
好, 最後自我介紹一番, 我叫 jt, 而我諗我應該可以叫你做 auntie. ;p
你話唔知 MXi 係咪有試用期限,意思係呢個重新個我之前用開嗰個 version 嗎?
你叫得我做 auntie,我受得起有餘。多口問多一句,我識得你爹哋媽咪或家中長輩嗎?
Auntie Cynthia
我話唔知 MXi 係咪有試用期限係因為我唔知佢係咪有 windows pop up 叫 user register 之類, 而 register code 會唔會同 ML2 share 到又係另一個問題。
MXi 應該係一個舊 d 既 version, 不過佢開發時期正正係 10.5 果陣, 即未有 10.6 之前, 所以 function 上應該無大問題.
果然會自稱電腦白癡既人都唔係等閒之輩! 理解能力簡直係超標 (而通常都附帶超強既溝通能力), 其實我只係懷疑你識兩個會叫我做阿囡既人, 所以結論係你可能識我其中兩個阿媽。 :P
+ 你咁識氹人開心,咁我就係咪都當正你係世侄女了!請你有機會問一問你其中兩個 "阿媽",我是否真的和她們認識好嗎?互聯網實在太奇妙了:)
Auntie Cynthia