
It’s Women’s Club

我的叻女死黨連續 N 年出了令我眼紅不已的花紅,所以我們不和她客氣,點了一家法國餐廳食餐勁。

根據以往慣例,今餐男士恕不招待 :)

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

You went to New York?


Cynthia Lau 說...

Maybe next time. Thx for the recommendation:)

匿名 說...

Not really a recommendation. It's just that the plate shown in your photo had that name on it.

Cynthia Lau 說...

Oh it's not the name of the restaurant but rather what we were eating. Frog that is.

That said, I'll remind my friend that I reserve the privilege for accepting her invitation in flying us to NY for a sumptuous meal one day :)