

幫我手做 project 幾個港大同學,盡責乖巧,讓我覺得幸運極了。他們四個都在讀工商管理及法律學士雙學位課程,指定時間表是晚晚讀書讀到凌晨三四點,嚇得我。我不夠膽同他們講哩,當年,我在宿舍嬉戲到凌晨三四點就有。




3 則留言:

匿名 說...

I think there are a handful of responsible and serious ones. In general, what do you think about the university students you encounter?

Cynthia Lau 說...

Just like the real world. You meet some responsible and self-motivated young people and there are also disappointing ones, trying to take short-cuts and others ' advantage wherever they can. Yet the world is getting more and more competitive. Therefore I truly believe that winners go to those who are not just smart, but also hardworking and with right attitude. 正路做嘢最殺食。

Cynthia Lau 說...

Re the message above. Should be: "正路做嘢最煞食。" :P