前天放學,MM 說老師選了她做學生大使,這三天都會負責接待寧波來的同學。
今天,同學們回家了,送了她一個由不同長方體組合而成的變種扭計骰。MM則回送自己親手織、由三種不同顏色毛線混成的 friendship bracelet。
前天放學,MM 說老師選了她做學生大使,這三天都會負責接待寧波來的同學。
今天,同學們回家了,送了她一個由不同長方體組合而成的變種扭計骰。MM則回送自己親手織、由三種不同顏色毛線混成的 friendship bracelet。
Aaron Sorkin, the screenwriter, has acknowledged he aimed for "fidelity." But the fidelity was to "storytelling," not to truth. The movie itself ends with a disclaimer that some material in it is invented -- as in "not true."
Dear mom,
you can’t come in beocause you are mean and rood.
( 她的意思是 rude)
1. No means no.
2. Do things when you are told.
3. You can’t get everything you want.
Dear Mom,
I’ve run away to start an new life. I will miss you while I’m gone.
I love u sometimes!!!!!!!
.. When I die the first thing I’m going to do is come and see you because I miss you very much.( 按此看原文 Adorable Goodbye )
"If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
build anyway."
-- Mother Teresa
“...What I fear is, I fear” -- his eyes start to pink around the rims, his voice cracks -- “ I fear a moment when my children are older, and they look at me and say, ‘What did you do? The world is like a spiraling cesspool. You were an adult, you needed to do something, I was just a kid. What did you do?’ I want to be able to say that you tried, in all sincerity. I think it’s a new kind of midlife crisis.”看到這裡,我覺得有啲唔妥。B 先生好似用力大猛,演技有過火之嫌。